Ramsay Wright and the BSF operate several autoclaves around the building.
Before you autoclave, you must:
- Ensure your items can be safely autoclaved.
- Determine which autoclave is optimal for your items.
- Ensure you have an indicator (e.g., OK strips) to ensure autoclaving was successful.
- Take the appropriate training:
- (Optional) EHS631 – Safe Use of Autoclaves
- Contact bsf@utoronto.ca to receive in-person training and be added to the booking calendar
- Quality assurance is important to ensure adequate sterilization has been completed. The BSF may review proper wrapping/packaging of supplies, and may use add-on chemical indicators to verify sterilization.
Bioscience Support Facility Autoclave (RW Basement)
- Small autoclave for loads such as surgical tools
- Waste CANNOT be autoclaved in this autoclave
- To have items autoclaved, email bsf@utoronto.ca
- Drop off items in autoclave bundle with OK strips. Label with name and lab on autoclave tape
- Place in drop-off bin next to the autoclave at least 48 hours in advance. No weekend drop-offs
Ramsay Wright 3rd Floor Autoclaves (RW 319)
- There are 3 autoclaves for various size loads
- Able to perform gravity, vacuum, liquid, and Risk Group 1 bacterial/biological waste sterilization (AMSCO autoclave only)
- Booking is online
Ramsay Wright 5th Floor Autoclave (RW 523)
- Small autoclave for loads such as surgical tools
- Waste CANNOT be autoclaved in this autoclave
- Can operate even if during building steam/hot water shut down
- Booking is online